The web site versions of the Thrilling Tales are free... but if you'd like to help support them - by which I especially mean more of them - or even if you just want to have a little bit of the retro future for your very own, consider these fine ideas:

“...It's all lighthearted fun and wild invention, but Schenck takes a serious turn in the final story, which brings touching depth to his main characters. A great follow-up to Slaves of the Switchboard of Doom (2017).”
“'s up to Ben Bowman and his robot assistant, Violet, to deal with breakaway floating labs, an eruption of mole people, outbreaks of blue slime, time machines and doorways to other dimensions as they attempt to save Retropolis from a spirit of innovation gone mad.”

"...This novel gave me a happy buzz. Remember when SF used to be upbeat and fun? Well, the fun is back and it's right here."
"...a madcap mash-up of retro-sf, full of fearless heroes and heroines dashing about like Flash Gordon meets the Keystone Cops."
"Like a madcap retro-tech collaboration by Terry Pratchett and Isaac Asimov. I loved it!"

The Clockwork Book’s lair lies far beneath the city of Retropolis, in the world of the Future That Never Was. As far as anybody knows, it’s always been there – slowly collecting the stories, the ideas, and the secrets of its visitors, and then sharing them with those who come after.

Thrill to the adventures of the Future That Never Was in this interactive, full color illustrated tale of the retro future: it’s the story of a rocket pilot, a civil servant, and the most malevolent kitchen appliance ever to stalk the lands of Retropolis—the Toaster With TWO BRAINS!
With full color illustrations on every page, you’ll be able to choose which character to follow and what they’ll do in this book.