Take home a piece of the Future That Never Was with desktop wallpapers, screensavers, add-ons for your own blog or web site, and anything else I can think of.
Except... that, I mean. You wouldn't want that.

Yes! You've seen the original Pulp Sci Fi Title-O-Tron right here in the Derange-O-Lab, and your first thought, of course, was "How can I get me one of these?"
And here's how. If you have a blog or web site you can add your own Personal Title-O-Tron - a relentless, unstoppable random title making machine - to your sidebar.
You'll just have to add three lines to the HTML for your site, in the sidebar code. Note that your web host or blog host must allow you to call external Javascript and CSS files in order for this to work; and although the Personal Title-O-Tron is a sleek and shapely device, it does require at least 172 pixels in width.
In a standalone Wordpress blog, for example, you would add these lines to the code for your theme's sidebar.
And the Personal Title-O-Tron comes in three stylish color combinations: one for a black background, one for a white background, and one that's just so amazingly title-happy that it really doesn't care what color its background is!
Entirely Safe When Used As Directed!
To add the Title-O-Tron to your sidebar with a black background: copy the lines in the box below, and paste them into your site's HTML in the spot where you want the Title-O-Tron to appear.
To add the Title-O-Tron to your sidebar with a white background: copy the lines in the box below, and paste them into your site's HTML in the spot where you want the Title-O-Tron to appear.
To add the Title-O-Tron to your sidebar with a a background of any other color: copy the lines in the box below, and paste them into your site's HTML in the spot where you want the Title-O-Tron to appear.
Although I'd really like to make plug-in or widget Title-O-Trons for Facebook, Wordpress, Blogger, and anything else... it's impossible in Facebook, and the docs for doing this in Wordpress and Blogger make my brain hurt.

Just click here for a menu of lovely and talented Thrilling Tales banners who are all eager to drape themselves across your web site or blog.

Hey, I'm not saying they don't have standards, mind you. They're just very excited at the prospect.