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Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual
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Enlarge: Part Two: Events & Attractions

Like many visitors, you may want to time your trip to Retropolis so that it puts you in the city during one of our many annual events. If so - make your reservations early! The hotels and the ticketed events are full to overflowing at those times.

The most anticipated event of every year is the "Rockets of Tomorrow!" exhibition by the Retropolis Rocket Works. That's the show where we find out what exciting new models are about to pour off the production lines at one of the city's most famous factories.

And what a show it is! In recent years visitors went agog over the introduction of the Pulsating Phaeton, the Auburn Beauty Six, and the Morgan Plus Forty-Eight. And even in those years when we haven't seen a major model launched the Rocket Works has always shown us fantastic advancements and new features for their existing lines, offering what Brooks Stevens has called: "...something a little newer, a little better, a little sooner than is necessary."

It might have been a little sooner than is necessary when we thrilled at the three dimensional navigation displays of 2023, or the self-healing landing gear of 1997; but there wasn't any doubt that these were a little newer, a little better, and that we couldn't wait to get 'em.

Excited throngs mingle through the exhibits every year and - as always - if you plan to attend you should make your arrangements well in advance. Special discounts are available for groups and tours (contact our offices for details).

Rockets of Tomorrow! from the Retropolis Rocket Works

During the "Rockets of Tomorrow!" exhibit, several other events take place in the surrounding neighborhood. One long-standing example is the "Hepmobiles of Yesterday!" show, hosted by the Vintage Rocket Owners Society. The ever-popular Hepmobile is still a standard in the Retropolis airways - though it's been in limited production for decades - and in fact, many civilian agencies still use Hepmobiles - exclusively! - in their fleet

Reader Comments
There are 6 reader comments on this page.
DBL says:
June 8th, 2012 at 9:05 pm

I want my Rocket car!

Bradley W. Schenck says:
June 9th, 2012 at 11:54 am

…and if you’re like the rest of us, you want the ONLY one :).

DBL says:
June 14th, 2012 at 12:51 am

Truly, if we could get something that looks that good….sigh!

Janice says:
February 7th, 2013 at 3:43 am

So even Retropolis can’t escape planned obsolescence. Sigh. But I still want my rocket car.

Mike says:
January 2nd, 2014 at 2:54 pm

Dang! That “Complete This Sentence:” box should allow me to enter what I really want to say: “necessary to the preservation of an ordered society. Especially large, armoured and weaponized rockets.”

OK, that out of the way, If I can’t have that rocket car, at least let me have a bumper sticker picturing it and saying “I Still Want MY Rocket Car”

Bradley W. Schenck says:
January 2nd, 2014 at 3:05 pm

Well… I can’t quite do that, but there’s always the T-Shirt.

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