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Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual
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Enlarge: The Space Patrol commandeers a hovercraft

The chase might have taken a different turn had there been any vehicles on the ground: but these are rare, in Retropolis. The streets are given over, almost without exception, to foot traffic. So Bonnie had no choice but to outrun her pursuers while they, in their turn, were unable to commandeer any vehicles. Or so she thought. For one of the Patrolmen, thinking a little more clearly than his fellows, had been waving at every rocket and hovercar that passed overhead. One of these finally took notice and landed.

There was a brief crush of Patrolmen that left the hovercraft's pilot in the street and eight or nine passengers on his car by the time it alighted again and set off after Bonnie. Oh, you would, would you? she thought. She tapped her pistol thoughtfully.

They were gaining on her, she saw, but not very quickly: the craft hadn't been meant for speed and it seemed overloaded now. She took off running again while she thought about her next step.

She needed to outdo them in altitude, she knew. She had a way to do that... but not quite ye

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