"It's like Gwen told you," Maria explained. "Either he won't be a problem, and it won't matter where he is, or he will be a problem, and it'll be pretty obvious where he is. Put together a crew that can subdue him and then just keep them on alert. In the meantime you've recovered almost all the Big Lugs. And we're still alive."
Harry continued to grumble. But how could you argue? He changed the subject. "Anyway the thing that drives me up the wall is how, in the first place, a robot could decide that he was a king. It's just... crazy."
Once the Ferriss crew had left for the factory Gwen, Rusty, and Maria lingered near the wide scar in the plain and watched the Sun go down. Gwen was already counting off the supplies she'd need to repair the damaged prairie.
"I'm going to forget it happened," Maria was saying to Rusty, "so long as you never, ever get behind the wheel again.... unless you learn how and get your license, just like anybody else."
Gwen wondered what that was about. But it seemed like it was going to be oka