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Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual
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"Voyage of the Hypatia" print, from Kickstarter
"Voyage of the Hypatia"

Well, the Retropolis Rocket Ship print didn't survive its Kickstarter campaign: but it exists! This page offers the Kickstarter backers a chance to get the print you each wanted - now in an extremely limited edition - along with the books that you may have also signed up for.

The choices below match the Kickstarter reward levels, but there's no longer a "Making of" video, or the desktop wallpapers, bookmarks, and postcards. Just the prints. And the books. The edition will be exactly as big as the number of people who pre-order it here... plus one for me.

Update: All of the books and all but three of the prints have shipped; three prints were damaged, and I'm waiting for their replacements. But the three of you who have to wait are all people who also ordered books, so you'll be seeing a package soon anyway... with your prints to follow about a week later.
